

What are some birthmarks that can benefit from laser treatment?

Portwine stain
It looks like a pinkish-red patch at birth and will not go away. The birthmark will darken and become thicker as the child grows. Laser treatment during infancy and early childhood gives the best results.
Café-au-lait spot
This birthmark appears as a flat patch that is darker than the rest of your child’s skin. The color ranges from that of coffee with milk on fair skin to the color of black coffee on dark skin. Most children have only one spot. If your child has six or more café-au-lait spots, it is important to have an assessment by a dermatologist.
Epidermal naevus
An epidermal naevus is a birthmark due to an overgrowth of the epidermis (outer most layer of skin). Most are present at birth or develop during childhood. When they first appear in infancy, they are flat and brown. As the child ages, they become thick and warty. Rarely, epidermal naevus may be extensive and part of a syndrome.

Naevus of Ota
Naevus of Ota is a birthmark that causes a pigmented patch on the face. The eyelids, forehead, temple, cheek, and nose are some commonly affected areas. About half of people with this condition have hyperpigmentation on their eyes as well. Laser treatment during infancy and early childhood gives the finest results.

What are the treatment options of birthmarks?

Get a professional consultation regarding your

The information written and published on this website is not intended to substitute the recommendations of a trained professional and does not replace a professional consultation.
It is advisable to undergo a formal consultation to help establish a relationship between the doctor and yourself, accurately determine your concerns/problems, and get the appropriate treatments for them.
It is also imperative to note that the contents of the website with respect to treatments, results and pricing can vary from individual to individual, and can only be accurately determined by the doctor upon diagnosis.
Do note that all medical treatments will only be administered upon proper consultation, with the requirement that patients be above 21 years of age to provide legal consent.