- 1 Farrer Park Station Road #12-18 Connexion Singapore 217562

What are some common types of pigmentation?
These are small light-brown flat spots on sun-exposed skin such as the cheeks and nose. They may appear in childhood or adolescence and increase in number with age. Freckles may lighten with reduced sun exposure and with the use of broad-spectrum sunscreen. If they persist, freckles can be safely removed with pigment laser treatment.
These are small light-brown flat spots on sun-exposed skin such as the cheeks and nose. They may appear in childhood or adolescence and increase in number with age. Freckles may lighten with reduced sun exposure and with the use of broad-spectrum sunscreen. If they persist, freckles can be safely removed with pigment laser treatment.
Solar lentigines
These are brown discrete patches that appear on sun-exposed areas like the face, arms and legs. Solar lentigines are due to chronic sun exposure. Solar lentigines are harmless and do not turn cancerous. They can be removed effectively with pigment laser treatment.
These are brown discrete patches that appear on sun-exposed areas like the face, arms and legs. Solar lentigines are due to chronic sun exposure. Solar lentigines are harmless and do not turn cancerous. They can be removed effectively with pigment laser treatment.
Melasma is a common problem that causes pigmentation on the face. It usually appears as brown patches on cheeks, forehead, upper lip and nose bridge. Although hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy or taking oral contraceptive pills, may contribute to the development of melasma, sunlight is still the main cause of melasma. Melasma is often recurring but there are effective treatments available.
Melasma is a common problem that causes pigmentation on the face. It usually appears as brown patches on cheeks, forehead, upper lip and nose bridge. Although hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy or taking oral contraceptive pills, may contribute to the development of melasma, sunlight is still the main cause of melasma. Melasma is often recurring but there are effective treatments available.
Hori’s naevus
Melasma is a common problem that causes pigmentation on the face. It usually appears as brown patches on cheeks, forehead, upper lip and nose bridge. Although hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy or taking oral contraceptive pills, may contribute to the development of melasma, sunlight is still the main cause of melasma. Melasma is often recurring but there are effective treatments available.
Melasma is a common problem that causes pigmentation on the face. It usually appears as brown patches on cheeks, forehead, upper lip and nose bridge. Although hormonal changes, such as during pregnancy or taking oral contraceptive pills, may contribute to the development of melasma, sunlight is still the main cause of melasma. Melasma is often recurring but there are effective treatments available.
Pigmentation from acne
Acne can leave red and brown marks on our skin after it heals. These can be effectively treated with a combination of creams and laser.
Acne can leave red and brown marks on our skin after it heals. These can be effectively treated with a combination of creams and laser.
What causes skin pigmentation?
Most types of pigmentation are due to chronic or excessive exposure to sunlight. Filtered sunlight through the windows can also cause skin pigmentation and skin ageing. Although glass filters off UVB that causes a tan, UVA can still pass through and has been shown to cause skin ageing and pigmentation.
Can skin pigmentation can be reversed?
Some types of skin pigmentation, such as freckles and melasma, can lighten significantly with sensible sun avoidance. Some measures to adopt including
- Avoiding the sun during the hottest parts of the day
- Protective clothing, such as hats, sunglasses, sleeves and umbrellas when outdoors
- Apply sunblock daily to the face. Sunblock with SPF 50, as well as with UVA protection, is recommended. Apply sufficient amounts to cover the parts of the face prone to pigmentation.
What are some treatments for skin pigmentation?
Some types of pigmentation can be treated by laser. Some examples include freckles, solar lentigines and hori’s naevi. This is usually combined with topical medication which can be both hydroquinone and non-hydroquinone based. Oral medication may also be prescribed for some types of pigmentation.
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It is advisable to undergo a formal consultation to help establish a relationship between the doctor and yourself, accurately determine your concerns/problems, and get the appropriate treatments for them.
It is also imperative to note that the contents of the website with respect to treatments, results and pricing can vary from individual to individual, and can only be accurately determined by the doctor upon diagnosis.
Do note that all medical treatments will only be administered upon proper consultation, with the requirement that patients be above 21 years of age to provide legal consent.