Laser Treatment

Some common laser treatments can include:
  • Vbeam Perfecta
  • PicoSure

Is laser treatment of birthmarks safe in children?

Laser treatment of birthmarks is safe in children. In fact, infants and young children usually respond faster and better to laser treatments of their birthmarks compared to adults.

What happens during laser treatment of birthmarks?

A parent can accompany the infant or child during the laser sessions. A topical anaesthetic may be applied to reduce the discomfort during treatment. Sedation or general anaesthesia is not necessary in most children. Eyeshields to protect the eyes are necessary during the lasers. Infants may become frightened and cry when their eyes are covered but they will not be in pain. The whole laser process is very fast and usually completed within minutes.

Get a professional consultation regarding your

Paediatric Laser Treatment
The information written and published on this website is not intended to substitute the recommendations of a trained professional and does not replace a professional consultation.
It is advisable to undergo a formal consultation to help establish a relationship between the doctor and yourself, accurately determine your concerns/problems, and get the appropriate treatments for them.
It is also imperative to note that the contents of the website with respect to treatments, results and pricing can vary from individual to individual, and can only be accurately determined by the doctor upon diagnosis.
Do note that all medical treatments will only be administered upon proper consultation, with the requirement that patients be above 21 years of age to provide legal consent.